D&T TV - The Finale

D & T Season 3 Episode 12

Well, the end is finally here. After 3 long but short years, our college experience is coming to an end, and so is D&T TV. This is the final episode we will ever record.

A lot of amazing things have happened since our first episode on August 1, 2021. A lot of growing and learning. On this episode, we reminisce on some of our favorite college moments, as well as some of our favorite episodes that we've recorded.

We would like to thank everyone who has taken time out of their day over the last 3 years to listen to us degenerates talk about nonsense and our college experience. Hearing you all tell us that we make you laugh or that you enjoyed an episode makes our day every time.

We don't want you all to be sad that it's over, we want you to be glad that it happened.

Thank you all so much for letting us share our memories with you, and thank you for listening to D&T TV.